Hello there. Welcome to my blog!
It is a dream to be able to to do this on my own site as I was always looking for an outlet to air my thoughts about the arts and culture related themes to a truly interested audience. Thanks for taking time to be with me and read more about what I have to say. As this is a new venture for me, and I really love to hear from you about your thoughts on my pieces as well. Feel free to share what you think about a certain topic and interact with me in the comment section!
Full Essays Available
I have also adapted some of my essays from my university assignments into blogs. The main idea is to share these things for open access as how previous authors who I have cited in my own works have given grounds for my arguments in my writings. Only the introduction or an abstract is shared, so please drop me an email to get the full essay. I would love to know more about you and say thank you personally.
Photo Credit: Esther Yeon, shot on film.
Tone and Style
While I have a more formal and academic tone on my essays, I hope to be able to find my voice and writing style as I write more. It has always been a struggle because I enjoy writing but I always found my drafts to be substandard and strange until an editor swoops in to save the day. Hopefully it gets better as I practice more and learn to put my thoughts into coherent and clear sentences with minimal grammatical errors. I hope to be able to share some book reviews too! It has always been on my mind so I guess now is the time.
Photo essays is also one genre that I would like to explore because I was just gifted a DSLR and recently invested in a film camera.
Stay Tuned!
While I have all these big dreams, I hope that I would take action and not just be all talk. Thanks for reading until here if you did. I am excited to see where this goes.
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